Rotary microtome YR422

Manufacturer: Kalstein

Certificacion europea


YR422 Rotary Microtome is a new 202 series possessing multiple features, such asa neat streamlined-shape housing, a hand-wheel that can be locked at the highest position, safe change specimen cassette, and LCD display and safety alert system. This well-made and cost-competitive product can provide evenly sliced sections reliably and safely.

  • Easy-to-clean housing
  • Blade holder can bemoved forward-or-backward and left-or-right resulting in easy trimming and sectioning operations
  • LCD screen shows the number of sections and trims; equippedwith a safety alert system
Model YR422
Trimming Thickness Setting Range 0– 500μm
Minimum Setting of Sectioning Thickness 1μm
Specimen Orientation XY – 8°
Total Horizontal Specimen Feed 30mm
Vertical Specimen Stroke 55mm
Movement Range of the Base of BladeHolder Base 0-50mm (front to back)
Movement Range of the Knife 0-20mm
Maximum Specimen Size 50×60mm
Precision Error ±5%
Dimensions 340×335×270mm(W×D×H)
Net weight 19kg

Additional information

Weight 28 kg

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