Brix Refractometers YGA1492 // YGA1504

ManufacturerYUL GARY


The Brix Refractometers YGA1492 // YGA1504 are high-quality optical devices designed to measure the concentration of sugars and dissolved solids in liquids, making them ideal for agriculture, the food industry, beverage production, and scientific research. This model is widely used by grape growers, vegetable growers, home brewers, and other food manufacturers to assess sucrose levels in their products. The Brix Refractometer measures the concentration of dissolved solids, which includes sugars, fructose, vitamins, minerals, and other compounds present in plant juices. With its automatic temperature compensation (ATC) function, this device ensures precise measurements within a temperature range of 10°C to 30°C, making it suitable for various usage conditions.

Market Price

The price of the Brix Refractometers YGA1492 // YGA1504 varies depending on the specific model and measurement range. Prices in the market range from approximately $72  to $77 for models like YGA1494, YGA1495, and others with different Brix ranges. These devices are an affordable and effective option for those who require precise and consistent measurements in their production or research processes.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What types of liquids can I measure with this refractometer?

    • This refractometer is ideal for measuring fruit juices, sugar solutions, beer, wine, and other liquids containing dissolved solids.
  • Can I use it for measuring hot liquids?

    • Although the refractometer has an ATC function that adjusts the measurement for ambient temperature, it is recommended to use it at temperatures between 10°C and 30°C for accurate results.
  • Does it require frequent calibration?

    • The device is easy to calibrate and it is recommended to do so regularly, especially when using liquids with varying concentrations of dissolved solids.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Accuracy and Reliability: Ensures exact measurements with minimal variation.
  • Easy to Use: The simple calibration system and ATC function allow users to take precise measurements without complications.
  • Versatility: Ideal for a wide range of applications in the food industry, agriculture, beverage production, and more.


  • Not suitable for extremely hot liquids: Although it has an ATC function, its use with very hot liquids can affect measurement accuracy.
  • Limited for very high Brix ranges: For concentrations above 90% Brix, accuracy decreases to ±1.0%.

Field Use

The Brix Refractometer YGA1492 // YGA1504 is commonly used in industries where measuring sugar and dissolved solids is crucial. In agriculture, it is used to monitor sugar content in fruits such as grapes, apples, and other crops. In beverage production, it is essential for controlling fermentation and ensuring the final product’s quality. It is also used by home brewers, processed food manufacturers, and research laboratories to obtain precise data on dissolved solids concentrations.


To ensure the best performance of the Brix Refractometer YGA1492 // YGA1504, it is recommended to clean it after each use with a soft, clean cloth to avoid any residues that could interfere with measurements. It is important to keep it in a temperature-controlled environment (between 10°C and 30°C) to ensure precise readings. Additionally, it should be recalibrated regularly to maintain the accuracy of measurements, especially when using different liquids or concentrations.

Technical Specifications

Model Description Measurement Range Min. Div. Accuracy ATC ATC temp. Material
YGA1492 ATC Brix 0-5% optical refractometer 0-5%Brix 0.1%Brix ± 0.10%Brix Yes 10-30° C
Pure aluminum
YGA1493 ATC Brix 0-10% optical refractometer 0-10%Brix 0.1%Brix ± 0.10%Brix Yes 10-30° C
Pure aluminum
YGA1494 ATC Brix 0-18% optical refractometer 0-18%Brix 0.1%Brix ± 0.10%Brix Yes 10-30° C
Pure aluminum
YGA1495 ATC Brix 0-20% optical refractometer 0-20%Brix 0.1%Brix ± 0.10%Brix Yes 10-30° C
Pure aluminum
YGA1496 ATC Brix 0-32% optical refractometer 0-32%Brix 0.2%Brix ± 0.20%Brix Yes 10-30° C
Pure aluminum
YGA1497 ATC Brix 0-50% optical refractometer 0-50%Brix 0.5%Brix ± 0.50%Brix Yes 10-30° C
Pure aluminum
YGA1498 ATC Brix 0-55% optical refractometer 0-55%Brix 0.5%Brix ± 0.50%Brix Yes 10-30° C
Pure aluminum
YGA1499 ATC Brix 28- 62% optical refractometer 28-62%Brix 0.2%Brix ± 0.20%Brix Yes 10-30° C
Pure aluminum
YGA1500 ATC Brix 45- 82% optical refractometer 45-82%Brix 0.5%Brix ± 0.50%Brix Yes 10-30° C
Pure aluminum
YGA1501 ATC Brix 58- 92% optical refractometer 58-92%Brix 0.5%Brix ± 0.50%Brix Yes 10-30° C
Pure aluminum
YGA1502 ATC Brix 0-80% optical refractometer 0-80%Brix 1%Brix ± 1.0%Brix Yes 10-30° C
Pure aluminum
YGA1503 ATC Brix 0-90% optical refractometer 0-90%Brix 1%Brix ± 1.0%Brix Yes 10-30° C
Pure aluminum
YGA1504 ATC 58-90%Brix 38-43Be’ 12-27%water LED optical Refractometer 0-90%Brix 1%Brix ± 1.0%Brix Yes 10-30° C
Pure aluminum

Additional information

Weight 0,300 kg

YGA1492, YGA1493, YGA1494, YGA1495, YGA1496, YGA1497, YGA1498, YGA1499, YGA1500, YGA1501, YGA1502, YGA1503, YGA1504

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